Rules about and Lessons from the Legal Consequence of Rescission of a Contract in German Civil Code 德国民法典合同解除法律后果的规定与借鉴意义
Basis "insurance law" concerned regulation, policy-holder is disobeyed inform obligation to will bear corresponding legal consequence according to the facts, bring about insurance company to remove the contract gives pay. 根据《保险法》的有关规定,投保人违反如实告知义务将承担相应的法律后果,导致保险公司解除合同并给付。
This paper discuses on some problems related to acquisition system in good faith such as the theoretical evidence, the origin of law, the constitutive requirements, and the legal consequence. 从理论依据、法律渊源、构成要件、法律后果方面对善意取得制度的有关问题进行了探讨。
The viewpoint that think the legal consequence is logical key element of legal norms is not only contradictory to the theory of dividing legal rules and legal branches, but also contradictory to the practice of legislation, administering of law and judicature. 将法律后果界定为法律规范的逻辑构成要素,不仅与法律规则和法律部门的划分理论相矛盾,而且与立法、执法和司法实践相冲突。
Comparative Analysis of Displaying Form and Legal Consequence of Violating Administrative Procedure 违反行政程序表现形态及法律后果之比较分析
So, the legal consequence of contract violating the compulsory provisions is not certainly invalid. 因此,违反法律强制性规定的合同,其法律后果并不必然导致合同无效而具有多样性。
An integrated reasoning method shall be applied to determine the character of friendship behavior and its legal consequence. 应当运用综合因素判断法认定情谊行为,并明确情谊行为非契约上的法律后果及其侵权责任的减轻依据。
Third should pay attention to the legal consequence that is caused by incorrect public security check. 三要注意治安检查不当而导致的法律后果。
The mental damage compensation is a kind of legal consequence caused by the damage for the mental right. 精神损害赔偿是由于精神权益受到损害而引起的法律后果。
Illegal administrative procedure and its legal consequence& A comparative analysis 行政程序违法及其法律后果&一个比较的分析
Chapter Two: focus on the legislation system on the problem of the risk taking, and the theory system of this problem, legal consequence of bearing risk and the difference between Risk Taking System and Common Mistake System. 第2章主要讨论了风险承担问题的立法体例和理论框架、风险承担的法律后果以及风险承担制度与共同错误制度的区别。
Juristic facts are events and acts that can produce legal consequence, but the juristic facts as norm and the juristic facts in verdict are two different concepts. 法律事实是依据法律规范能够引起特定法律后果的事件和行为,但作为规范的法律事实与判决中的法律事实是两个极为不同的概念。
Under different condition the concept, composition and legal consequence are different. 在不同情况下,撤销的概念、构成要件和法律后果均不同。
This paper discusses the legal consequence of breach of warranty under existing Chinese law, and put, forward, the opinion in this respect. 本文主要讨论了我国海上保险法中违反保证的法律后果这一问题,并提出了作者的观点。
Director's civil liability is a kind of legal consequence which is produced by his breach of statutory obligation and regulation of board of directors and shareholder's meeting in job-related performance, and it is mainly a kind of property liability. 董事民事责任是董事在职务行为中因违反法定义务及公司章程、股东大会和董事会决议而承担的法律后果,主要是一种财产责任。
The paper historically describes its comparison with contract breach and exposes its constitutive requirements, legalization standards, legal consequence and its value, and on the basis the paper analyzes fundamental breach of contract in Contract Law of China. 本论文从根本违约的历史沿革和比较法考察入手,对其判定标准、法律效果、法律价值进行了深入分析,并在此基础上对我国合同法中根本违约制度进行评析。
The liability of administrative torts is legal consequence of administrative harmful activities as a sort of benefit-damaged administrative liabilities. 行政侵权责任表明一种损益性的行政法律责任,是行政致害行为的法律后果。
Administrative factual action produce legal consequence according to not expression of intention but by legal rule. 事实行为不是不发生法律效果,而是直接依据法律规定而不是依据当事人的意思表示发生法律后果。
The author first analyzes the legal consequence of violating the duty of disclosure, then puts forward proposals for the correlative regulation in our marine insurance. 然后考察了传统保险法和现代保险法对违反告知义务的法律后果的不同处理,肯定了现代保险法引入因果关系和比例原则的意义,并对我国海上保险立法的相关规定提出了修改建议。
The medical liability for tort refers to the undertaking of civil legal consequence caused by medical treatment tort. 医疗侵权责任是指由医疗侵权行为引起的民事法律后果的承担。
What is the precondition if there does exist a second Shipper and what is the legal consequence thereof? 第二种托运人存在的条件和法律后果是什么?
Nowadays, there is much controversy about the displaying form of violating administrative procedure and its legal consequence. 目前,理论界对违反行政程序的表现形态及法律后果存在较大争议。
Differentiates the different procedure to undertake the different legal consequence. 区分不同程序承担不同法律后果。
What is its legal consequence? 其法律后果如何?
The focus point is to explain legislative proposals of collateral obligation from the aspects of legislation style, liability type, legal consequence, etc. On the other hand, from financial aspect, the author ponders over standard control of banking business and safety management. 重点是从立法体例、义务形态、法律后果等方面说明了附随义务立法的完善建议。二是金融层面,对银行业务规范治理和安全管理开展了合规思考。
The affirmation and legal consequence of void contract is an important issue in both theory and judicial practice, also a difficult issue. 无效合同的确认和财产的处理是合同法理论及司法实践中的重要问题,也是难点。
This paper starting from a breach of legal procedures, in violation of the legal consequence of the legal procedure carries on the deep discussion. 本文从违反法定程序出发,对违反法定程序的法律后果进行了深入的讨论。
This paper further studies the issues on the extent, performance, legal consequence and release of defense duty. 本文进一步研究了抗辩义务的内容、履行方式、法律后果、终止等重要问题。
But on the boundary between insurance cheat and insurance fraud, we should focus on the difference of three aspects, that is subjective intent, objective aspect and legal consequence. 而对保险欺诈与保险诈骗犯罪的界限,则应从主观故意、客观方面和法律后果三方面的不同来进行把握。
Thus, criminal penalty is not only legal consequence, but also represents social relation, which is the regulation target of criminal law. 由此,刑罚不仅仅意味着法律后果,而且代表了一种社会关系,该社会关系实质系刑法所特有的调整对象。